Admissions & Discharge

Admission Procedures
- The decision to admit a patient to the hospital is made by the outpatient department or the emergency room.
- Once the patient is admitted, the guardian will need to fill out an admission agreement form and submit it along with the patient's health insurance card
- The patient will then be assigned to a hospital room
- Various certificates and medical documents can be requested from the hospital department where the patient is admitted

Discharge Procedures
- Discharge time: 9:00 am ~ within working hours
- Discharge will be decided after consultation with the attending physician.
- Once discharge is decided, you can wait in your hospital room until you receive guidance on discharge fees from the billing team.
- After receiving the phone call for discharge fee guidance, you can calculate the discharge fee in order at the third-floor billing counter.
- The requested certification documents will be directly provided at the discharge counter.
- If you need to make a follow-up appointment, we can assist you during the discharge process (appointment fee paid afterwards)
- After payment, please show the receipt to the nursing station and receive your medication before leaving.

Provisional Discharge
- If you are provisionally discharged on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, you can settle your bill after 2:00 pm on the next business day.
- If you are provisionally discharged on a weekday, you can settle your bill after 2:00 pm on the following day at the discharge counter.